Spa Wellness Practitioner

Spa & wellness practitioner training

We have developed a new job profile for you. The term “wellness” is composed of “well being”: feeling good and “fitness”: good physical performance. “Wellness” basically includes everything that makes life “worth living”: time to relax, enjoy with all your senses, skin and body care, health,

Beauty, body - bring soul and spirit into a harmonious balance. “Wellness” seeks the balance between tension and relaxation. The term "spa" is made up of three initials and is an abbreviation for sanus per aquam - Latin = health through water = well-being treatments with the medium water.


Relaxation Coach: 1 day

Various procedures and relaxation methods (classical methods, muscle relaxation, breathing techniques, meditation, fantasy journeys)

Massage Practitioner: 5 days

2 days: Ayurvedic massage; Full body peeling, washing & hot compresses, Ayurveda full body massage with warm oils – from the little toe to the tip of the hair.
2 days: Ayurvedic massage; Full body peeling, washing & hot compresses, Ayurveda full body massage with warm oils – from the little toe to the tip of the hair.
1 day: sound massage; Concepts for the cosmetics & foot care cabin. Holistic deep relaxation for body, soul and spirit.


Herbal stamp massage: 1 day

homemade herbal stamps,
practical application and massage sequences with warm oils.

Spa Wellness Practitioner

