make-up art

make-up art

You need more than a make-up course to optimally emphasize the most beautiful part of a face. Perfect eyebrows frame the face and are an important part of makeup. Soft facial shapes, beautiful lip contours and expressively made-up eyes are crucial for a professional result.

Learn effective make-up techniques from real professionals for a natural make-up and experience perfection down to the last detail with an extensive learning volume in the shortest possible time. Enchant your customers with special make-up techniques and a perfect choice of colours!

Course content:

  • Ntype recognition
  • Nfacial proportions
  • NColor theory
  • Nobject lesson
  • Npriming techniques
  • NOptimize eyebrows
  • NDay & evening make-up
  • Nbridal makeup
  • NGlamor makeup
  • Ncamouflage technique
  • NSmokey eyes

make-up art

